Satrio Adi Wicaksono

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Satrio Adi Wicaksono bergabung di Departemen Histologi & Biologi sel sejak 2020 dan menyelesaikan pendidikan magister di UGM tahun 2021. Satrio saat ini terlibat dalam penelitian terkait karakterisasi hewan model penuaan dengan fokus pada tractus digestivus  yang diharapkan menjadi topik penelitian unggulan Departemen sembari memperdalam ilmu di bidang penuaan dan stereologi.

Satrio Adi Wicaksono has joined the Department of Histology & Cell Biology since 2020 and completed his master’s degree at UGM in 2021. Satrio is currently involved in research related to the characterization of aging animal models with a focus on the tractus digestivus which is expected to become the department’s flagship research topic while deepening knowledge in the field of aging and stereology.