Rina Susilowati

Alamat surat elektronik: rina_susilowati@ugm.ac.id

Akun google scholar: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=H7o0TsQAAAAJ&hl=id

Akun SINTA (Science and Technology Index) Kemdikbud: https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/43085

Akun Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55595777400

Rina Susilowati bergabung di departemen Histologi dan Biologi Sel sejak tahun 1996, setelah selesai menjalankan tugas sebagai dokter PTT angkatan 2 di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Setelah memperoleh gelar Doktor dari Kobe University School of Medicine dengan riset di Gunma University Jepang, pada tahun 2001 Rina langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas pembelajaran termasuk menjadi koordinator mata kuliah, koordinator blok dan mengembangkan berbagai kursus yang diselenggarakan departemen. Aktivitas penelitian juga dilakukan dengan kolaborasi dengan peneliti dari departemen lain baik preklinik maupun klinik dan lintas bidang dengan peneliti dari Fakultas lain di UGM. Di departemen Rina pernah menjadi koordinator penelitian dan laboratorium serta menjalankan tugas administrasi sebagai kepala bagian dan sekretaris bagian. Pelatihan pasca doktor yang pernah dilakukan antara lain di Riken Brain Science Institute dan Nara Institute of Science and Technology di Jepang, Karolinska Institutet di Swedia, Vrije Universiteit di Belanda dan Aarhus University di Denmark. Minat penelitian utama Rina saat ini adalah neurosains, imunologi dan stereologi. 

Rina Susilowati joined the Histology and Cell Biology Department in 1996, after completing her duties as a PTT doctor batch 2 in South Kalimantan Province. After obtaining a Doctorate degree from Kobe University School of Medicine with research at Gunma University Japan in 2001, Rina was directly involved in learning activities, including being a course coordinator, block coordinator and developing various courses organized by the department. Research activities are also carried out in collaboration with researchers from other departments, both preclinical and clinical and across fields with researchers from other faculties at UGM. In the department, Rina has been the coordinator of research and laboratories as well as carrying out administrative duties as head of the Department and secretary of the Department. Post-doctoral trainings that have been carried out are the Riken Brain Science Institute and Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan, Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, Vrije Universiteit in the Netherlands and Aarhus University in Denmark. Rina’s current main research interests are neuroscience, immunology and stereology.