Marsetyawan Heparis Nur Ekandaru Soesatyo
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Marsetyawan Heparis Nur Ekandaru Soesatyo, menyelesaikan pendidikan dokter di FK UGM tahun 1973, dan kemudian masuk menjadi staf pendidik di Bagian Histologi FK UGM th 1975. Perjalanan karier dimulai dengan mengikuti pendidikan S2 di Faculty of Science Mahidol University Bangkok (1983-1986) dengan konsentrasi penelitian imunologi. Dua tahun kemudian mengikuti program pendidikan doktor di Faculteit der Geneeskunde Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, dan meraih PhD dengan topik yang sama, imunologi khususnya imunologi mukosa, selesai th 1992. Pascadoktoral dijalani selama 1 tahun di tempat yang sama. Sekitar th 1991 magang beberapa bulan di Department of Anatomy University of Nebraska Omaha USA menekuni respons imun mukosa di daerah colon. Pulang ke tanah air pertengahan th 1993, dan kemudian di tahun 1994 pertama kali menyelenggarakan kursus di PAU Bioteknologi UGM dengan topik ‘Imunologi Mukosa’. Selanjutnya setiap tahun ke depan sampai kira-kira 20 kali putaran mengadakan kursus serupa, dikoordinasi oleh pusat kedokteran tropis UGM. Menjelang tahun2 terakhir topik kursus dikombinasi dengan biologi molekuler. Lima tahun setelah Ph.D. dari Belanda, pada th 1997 SK Guru Besar Madya turun, yang tidak lama kemudian oleh Dikbud diubah menjadi Guru Besar.
Marsetyawan sebagai dosen histologi dan imunologi konsisten sampai purnatugas di tahun 2018, mengembangkan aktivitas pengajaran dan riset tentang imunologi, dan membimbing para mahasiswa pascasarjana S2 dan S3 terkait imunologi dan biomolekuler. Selama ini telah menulis sendiri buku ajar berjudul ‘Dasar-dasar Imunologi Mukosa’. Tulisan bersama kolega, Sofia Mubarika berjudul ‘Teknik Hibridoma’, dan terakhir bersama Nurliyani menghasilkan buku ‘Imunologi Susu’.
Pengalaman sebagai pejabat struktural cukup panjang dan bervariasi, mulai menjadi Kaprodi S2 Bioteknologi, Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Ka pengelola S3, Ka Senat FK, Ka Senat Akademik UGM. Di samping jabatan lain seperti Ka Komisi Standar Akademik S3. Saat ini masih menjadi anggota Komite Etik Riset FK-RS Sardjito.
Marsetyawan Heparis Nur Ekandaru Soesatyo completed his medical education at the Faculty of Medicine UGM in 1973 and then joined the teaching staff at the Histology Department of the Faculty of Medicine UGM in 1975. His career began by attending a master’s education at the Faculty of Science Mahidol University Bangkok (1983-1986) with a concentration in immunological research. Two years later, he attended a doctoral education program at the Faculteit der Geneeskunde Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He earned a PhD with the same topic, immunology, especially mucosal immunology, completed in 1992. Postdoctoral studies were conducted for 1 year at the same place. Around 1991, he interned for several months at the Department of Anatomy, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA, on the mucosal immune response in the colon. He returned to his homeland in mid-1993, and then in 1994, he first held a course at PAU Biotechnology UGM on the topic ‘Mucosal Immunology. Then, about 20 rounds of similar classes were held yearly, coordinated by the UGM Center for Tropical Medicine. Over the last few years, the course topics have been combined with molecular biology. Five years after the Ph.D. from the Netherlands, in 1997, the Decree of a Middle Professor came out, which was shortly after changed by education authorities to a Professor.
Marsetyawan, as a histology and immunology lecturer, was consistent until his retirement in 2018, developing teaching and research activities on immunology and guiding postgraduate and postgraduate students related to immunology and biomolecules. So far, he has written his textbook, ‘Basics of Mucosal Immunology’ with his colleague Sofia Mubarika, entitled ‘Hybridoma Technique,’ and finally, with Nurliyani, they produced the book ‘Milk Immunology.’
Marsetyawan’s influence extends beyond his teaching and research. He has held various leadership roles, demonstrating his long and varied experience as a structural functionary. He has served as the Head of the Master’s Degree Program in Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences, the Head of Doctoral Management, and the Head of the FK Senate. He has also held positions such as the Head of the UGM Academic Senate and the Head of the S3 Academic Standards Commission. Currently, he is a member of the Research Ethics Committee of FK-RS Sardjito, further contributing to the academic community.