Jajah Fachiroh joined the Histology and Cell Biology Department since 2010. Besides teaching, Jajah is also the coordinator of community service and the chairman of the Histology and Cell Biology Master’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences. At FK-KMK UGM, Jajah leads a team of biobank developers, a member of the management of HDSS Sleman, and a GCLP facilitator at FK-KMK UGM. Jajah completed her doctoral studies at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam in the field of immunovirology and continued his postdoctoral training at WHO-IARC on the topic of molecular epidemiology in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Current research interests are nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Epstein-Barr virus, secondhand smoke exposure, and molecular epidemiology of cancer.
e-mail address: jajahfachiroh@ugm.ac.id