Dewajani Purnomosari

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Dewajani Purnomosari bergabung di (saat itu) Bagian Histologi sejak tahun 1998 dengan SK Rektor, setelah menyelesaikan studi Magister Bioteknologi di Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU) UGM. Pada tahun 1999, Neni mendapat kesempatan mendapatkan pelatihan di Vrije Universiteit Belanda selama 3 bulan, dan tahun 2001 memulai program doktor dari universitas yang sama. Neni diangkat menjadi PNS pada tahun 2005 dan tahun 2006 menyelesaikan program doktor dari Utrecht Medical Center dalam bidang Developmental Biology and Oncology. Setelah menyelesaikan program doktor, Neni langsung terlibat dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar. Selama bergabung di departemen, pernah menjadi koordinator penelitian, koordinator pendidikan, dan saat ini diberi kepercayaan sebagai bendahara departemen. Selain sebagai pengajar, juga terlibat sebagai fasilitator Good Laboratory Clinical Practice (GCLP), menjadi ketua tim Biosafety FK KMK, menjadi anggota tim System Management Biorisk Laboratory (SMBL) UGM, sejak tahun 2017 ditunjuk sebagai anggota asesor Komisi National Authority for Containment (NAC) dalam rangka eradikasi Polio dan sejak 2016 terlibat aktif sebagai fasilitator di Asosiasi Biorisiko Indonesia (ABI). Selama menjalani program doktor, mendapat kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan di Heidelberg-Jerman, Taiwan dan Hawaii. Mendapat kesempatan menempuh pasca doktoral selama 1 tahun di WHO-IARC di dalam grup Genetic Susceptibility. Minat penelitian utama adalah genetika molekuler kanker payudara, imunologi dan pengaruh bahan alam pada galur sel kanker dan pada hewan coba.

Dewajani Purnomosari (Neni) joined (at that time named) the Department of Histology in 1998 after completing his Masters in Biotechnology at the Pusat Antar Universitas (PAU) UGM. In 1999, Neni had the opportunity to receive training at Vrije Universiteit Netherlands for 3 months, and in 2001 started a doctoral program at the same university. Neni was appointed a civil servant in 2005. In 2006, she completed a developmental biology and oncology doctoral program at Utrecht Medical Center. After completing the doctoral program, Neni was immediately involved in teaching and learning activities. While at the department, she was a research and education coordinator and is currently entrusted with being the department’s treasurer. Besides teaching, she is also involved as a Good Laboratory Clinical Practice (GCLP) facilitator, being the head of the Biosafety FK-KMK team a member of the UGM System Management Biorisk Laboratory (SMBL) team, 2017 she was appointed as an assessor member of the National Authority for Containment (NAC) Commission in the context of polio eradication and since 2016 has been actively involved as a facilitator at the Asosiasi Biorisiko Indonesia (ABI). During his doctoral program, she had the opportunity to attend training in Germany, Taiwan, and Hawaii. She had the chance to take a post-doctoral degree for 1 year at WHO-IARC in the Genetic Susceptibility group. Her main research interests are molecular genetics of breast cancer, immunology, and the effect of natural substances on cancer cell lines and in experimental animals.